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Instytut Stosunków Międzynarodowych i Network on Humanitarian Action  (NOHA) zapraszają wszystkich zainteresowanych studentów na spotkanie informacyjne na temat praw cudzoziemców w Polsce. Spotkanie odbędzie się 17 listopada o godz. 15.00 w Collegium Iuridicum II (ul Lipowa 4) w Sali nr 1.3. Poprowadzi je inspektor Gerard Bah – Pełnomocnik Komendanta Wojewódzkiego Policji w Kielcach ds. Ochrony Praw Człowieka.
The workshop on the rights of foreigners in Poland
The Institute of International Relations UW and the Network on Humanitarian Action (NOHA) would like to invite all interested students to the workshop on the rights of foreigners in Poland. The workshop will be conducted by lieutenant colonel Gerard Bah – Human Rights Special Adviser to the Police Commissioner in Kielce. It will be a unique chance to discuss very important issues such as racism, hate speech, discrimination, and stereotypes. After the workshop, there will be time for Q&A session with Inspector Bah.
The meeting will take place on November 17th at 3 p.m. in room 1.3, Collegium Iuridicum II (ul. Lipowa 4) – the same building as the University of Warsaw Library. We are really counting on your presence at the workshop!
Pobierz plakat [PDF].